Diverse talent to enable your
digital transformation.

We train diverse, curious and resilient people who will make you rethink how you source talent and transform the way you work.

Digital talent is no longer out of reach.

We help you overcome the challenges of finding exceptional tech talent so you can focus on what you do best.

About us

This is what we do.

We'll help you find diverse digital talent, equipped with the skills you need, when you need it.

We get you access to untapped talent.

And equip them with today's in-demand digital skills.


We tailor our training to your skill requirements.

And nurture our people into highly skilled consultants.


We transform your workplace.

With great talent, with the right skills, when you need it.

Get access to the
talent you've been searching for.

Struggling to find talented individuals that fit your skills brief? Our consultants are equipped with today’s in-demand digital skills and are ready to drive your success.

Work with us

Your talent needs. Our solution.


Data Engineering

Using Python, SQL and other tools to harness effective problem solving capabilities, data manipulation, RDBMS skills and working with large data sets to build ETL pipelines.


Software Engineering

Our full-stack Python programme will enable Consultants to develop a proficiency across front-end, middleware and back-end database technologies.


Quantexa Engineering

Utilising Quantexa Data Science and Engineer academy to teach big data techniques using Scala progamming language.

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Less time hiring, more time spent delivering.

Finding great talent is time consuming. Here's how we alleviate those challenges.

  • We cut through lengthy hiring processes. Giving you back time and bandwidth.
  • You can swap your consultants in and out with ease should your requirements change.
  • Our consultants are ready to make an impact. Whenever you need them.
Get in touch

Exceptional talent. Trained in the skills you need.

Our training is designed to adapt to your needs as they change. Whether you require expertise for specific challenge, we can top up our consultants prior to them joining you or whilst working for you.

Our capstones

Finding the right
just got

Ready to build great teams? Let's get started.

Get in touch

It's a brave new future.


Challenge hiring practices

Our mission is to challenge our clients to think and recruit differently, to be inclusive and to drive their transformation initiatives with diverse people. 


Champion new ways of working

With diversity, comes innovation. We are here to challenge businsesses to change the way they source their talent.


Drive social change

Our consultants share their expertise and experience with social enterprises and charities, impacting change for good.

Our purpose

Let's change the
way that you work.

If you have talent requirements for your short-term tactical projects or your long-term growth plans, our consultants are ready to go to transform your business. 

Become a Xander consultant today.

Join the next generation of diverse talent helping businesses to transform their ways of working. 

Join us